Fox News Coverage of Trump & COVID-19 vs. Obama & Ebola

Fox News Coverage of Coronavirus vs. Ebola | NowThis

The video speaks for itself. It’s shocking how blatantly partisan Fox News has been during the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 100,000 Americans.

What is a public health crisis has turned into a tool for division. And this is probably best exemplified by Laura Ingraham switching sides on the mask debate:

For more about Laura Ingraham’s handling of masks, I highly recommend reading this Atlantic article.

Also, if you find a similar video of CNN, NBC, or any other network, please share it with me as I would love to see it.

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I started Need Change to write about important issues regarding society, politics, media, climate change, COVID-19, psychology, and racism. My work has been featured by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the U.S. & U.K. Governments. Keep reading to hear the perspective of someone who grew up in America, has lived in 15+ countries, and is deeply passionate about uniting humanity and improving the world. Feel free to click the chat in the bottom right if you ever want to talk! I'm friendly :).